Scopus is a multidisciplinary bibliographic collection with a citation index assembled by Elsevier B.V. Scopus, the largest publisher of international scientific literature. Currently it covers the contents of 23,700 peer-reviewed journal titles (4,000 OA) from over 5,000 publishers and contains over 71 million bibliographic records (64 million for the period after 1970 and 6,5 million for the 1788–1970 period). Individual journals are only partly indexed. Scopus also contains publications from 389 series of scientific monographs,166,000 books, and 8,3 million conference papers. The search includes 39 million patents from five patent offices (US Patent & Trademark Office, European Patent Office, Japan Patent Office, World Intellectual Property Organization, and UK Intellectual Property Office).
The portal offers basic and advanced search, search for authors and references, and a number of ways to limit the number or analysis of search results and the manner of classification of the documents. It also allows for the creation of links from bibliographic records to full-text documents, export of search results to bibliography management tools (Mendeley, RefWorks, and EndNote), and notification settings (by e-mail, RSS, or HTML feed). It provides a variety of tools for the analysis of author citation (h-indeks) or document citation, impact factors for journals (CiteScore, SNIP and SJR indicators), or entire institutions. Scopus records are indexed in global indexes of tools for finding information such as EBSCO EDS, Primo, or Summon. The collection is updated daily.