MLA International Bibliography

MLA EBSCOHost (Access from the locations of the University of Ljubljana, CTK, and NUK. Remote access for all members of the UL, CTK, and NUK libraries.)
  • The MLA International Bibliography is used to search for professional and scientific literature in the fields of literary sciences and linguistics including literary theory and criticism, literary forms and genres, national literatures, folklore, theatre arts, individual languages and language groups, theory of linguistics, philosophy of language, language policy, socio- and psycholinguistics, translating, lexicology, onomastics, etc.
    Topics covered include bibliographic data on articles from over 3,800 newspapers, books, book chapters, dissertations, and book collections from 1926 onward.

    To search for a topic, use descriptors.

    List of newspapers: MLA Directory of Periodicals

    Update: ten times a year

    Language: English

    Publisher: Modern Language Association

  • Provider: EBSCO