
Pomembno obvestilo: Delove edicije niso dostopne preko oddaljenega dostopa.
Do publikacij medijske hiše Delo (Delo, Delo in dom, Ona, Sobotna priloga, Slovenske novice, NeDelo …) je možen dostop le v prostorih knjižnice, in sicer tako na računalnikih knjižnice, kot tudi na mobilnih napravah preko brezžičnih omrežij knjižnice. Uporabniki, ki imajo na PressReaderju svoj uporabniški račun in so vanj prijavljeni, pa imajo potem še tri dni dostop tudi izven prostorov knjižnice. Potem pa je potreben ponoven obisk knjižnice. Za ostale publikacije pa je oddaljeni dostop še vedno mogoč brez omejitev.

PressReader (Access from the locations of the NUK and Faculty of Social Sciences. Remote access for students and staff of FDV and all NUK members.)
  • The PressReader collection offers current editions of over 7,000 national, regional, and local newspapers and magazines from Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, and Latin and North America, more than 120 countries and 60 languages in total. The collection includes serious newspapers such as Dnevnik, Nedeljski dnevnik (Slovenia), The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, The Independent (Great Britain), Corriere della Sera, Il Sole 24 ore (Italy), Le Figaro, L'Express (France), Die Presse, Der Standard, Kleine Zeitung Kärnten (Austria), The Washington Post, Večernji list (Croatia), and more. It also offers a large number of popular magazines such as Newsweek, iPad & iPhone Life, Mac Format, Procycling, Top Gear, Auto Bild, and more.

    Users can read newspapers and magazines on personal computers and personalize the contents by the front-page headlines, latest news, economy news, sports news, news from the world of entertainment, etc. It features overviews of the most popular newspapers, columnists, and bloggers. Users can view newspapers by countries, languages, and alphabet used. The interface enables basic or advanced search. In the advanced search, the search term can be limited to titles and/or full-text articles by newspapers and/or by countries, languages, dates or time periods, and author.

    The PressReader application offers a unique reading experience by allowing reading on tablets or smart phones. On NUK premises, users can download newspapers and magazines via the EDUROM and LIBROAM wireless networks (instructions to login) and read them later in NUK or somewhere else outside NUK premises. 

    A 90-day archive of all newspapers and magazines is also available. 

    Update: Daily

  • Provider: NewspaperDirect, Inc.