The E-Book Collection offered by EBSCOHost contains more than 180,000 e-books in the fields of the humanities, social sciences, medicine, natural sciences, and technology. Most of the books can be borrowed (instructions) to portable devices such as tablet computers, dedicated readers, and/or smart phones. Most of the books offer unlimited simultaneous user access. A small fraction of the books, about 370 purchased to own by the University of Ljubljana libraries, can only be used by a single user at a time. The collection is completely integrated with the NUK mEga search engine.
Users may print out and/or send in pdf format to their email address up to 60 pages of individual books. Users can search inside a book by individual words, and an English-Slovene dictionary is available.
Language: English
The collection is provided by the National and University Library
The permanent purchase of 370 books was sponsored by CEK EF, CMK MF, CTK, ODKJG FDV, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, NUK, and Faculty of Education.