
Active filters: Electronic scholarly and professional books

Number of sources: 15

Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials PLUS

Religion Social Sciences and Humanities Indexes and abstracts of periodicals Citation Indexes Electronic scholarly and professional books

Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials PLUS combines the premier index to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion with Atla's largest online collection of major journals. It includes more than 500 journals in many diverse areas of religion and theology, with full-text content in …

Brill eBook Collection

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Electronic scholarly and professional books

Brill eBook Collection is a collection of all e-books published by Brill. It contains 66 books from various fields of research.

Directory of Open Access Books

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Search engines and directories of open access resources Electronic scholarly and professional books

The Directory of Open Access Books is used to search academic peer-reviewed books. It offers peer-reviewed titles from different scientific fields. It provides free access to full-text from more than 12.100 books. Users can search by title, topic, and words from bibliographic records on books and by bibliographic data on books: author, title, abst…

eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks Electronic Books Dictionaries Electronic scholarly and professional books

The E-Book Collection offered by EBSCOHost contains more than 180,000 e-books in the fields of the humanities, social sciences, medicine, natural sciences, and technology. Most of the books can be borrowed (instructions) to portable devices such as tablet computers, dedicated readers, and/or smart phones. Most of the books offer unlimited simultan…

Emerald Insight

Economics and management Electronic scholarly and professional journals Electronic scholarly and professional books

Emerald Premier is a collection of all jourals published by Emerald Publishing. It contains 308 subscription journals, which include more than 200.000 scientific articles from various subjects: economics, marketing, finance, business, management, education, engeneering, health & social care, HR & organization studies, information…

IEEE Xplore Digital Library

Electrical Engineering Computer Science Physics Electronic scholarly and professional journals Electronic scholarly and professional books Standards (texts, bibliographical data)

The IEEE Xplore portal provides access to the complete offer of the IEEE/IET Digital Library (IEL). It provides access to over 3 million full-text documents from some of the world's most highly cited publications in electrical engineering, computer science, electronics, and ICT, including with valid IEEE – SA Standards. Full-text ar…

Loeb Classical Library

Literature Classical Studies Electronic Books Corpuses of original works Literary works Electronic scholarly and professional books

Loeb Classical Library is a collection of more than 450 e-books, which represent the entire heritage of the classical period. Texts are displayed in original greek or latin with simultaneous translation into english. Collection consists the works of poetry, tragedy, comedy, history, philosophy, mathematics, etc., with authors like Socrates, P…

OECD iLibrary

Social Sciences and Humanities Statistical and research data Electronic scholarly and professional journals Electronic scholarly and professional books

OECD iLibrary enables searching for and reading full texts of all publications published by OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) from 1998 onward. It offers over 11700 e-books, 6,800 articles, reports, and newspapers, etc. In addition, it allows viewing statistical data collections of OECD, the International Energy Agency …

Royal Society of Chemistry Gold

Natural Sciences and Technology Indexes and abstracts of periodicals Electronic scholarly and professional journals Electronic scholarly and professional books

RSC Gold provides access to 43 current journal titles, 5 database collections (Analytical Abstracts, Chemical Hazards in Industry, Laboratory Hazards Bulletin, Natural Product Updates, and Synthetic Reaction Updates), the monograph series Issues in Environmental Science and Technology, and archival contents of Annual Reports on the Progress of Che…


Construction Industry Electronic scholarly and professional books

SCHADIS is a collection of reports, expertise, and other types of literature dealing with the causes, prevention, and cleanup of damage to buildings. 

Coverage includes over 1230 reference works, articles, and reports. Full texts, photographs, and tables are available.

Language: German

Source is provided by Central Technical Library.


Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks Electronic scholarly and professional journals Electronic scholarly and professional books

ScienceDirect is a collection by a world leading e-journal publisher - Elsevier. Coverage includes all scientific fields with an emphasis on natural sciences, technology and medicine. Users of the University of Ljubljana have access to journals from the so-called Freedom Collection, containing almost all of the journals of the ScienceDirect servic…

Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law (HeinOnline)

Social Sciences and Humanities Law Thematic collections of publications and documents Regulatons Electronic scholarly and professional books

Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law is a collection by publisher William S. Hein & Co, which brings together a multitude of essential legal materials on slavery in the United States and the English-speaking world:

  • every statute passed by every colony and state on slavery,
  • every federal statute dealing with slavery,…


Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Electronic scholarly and professional journals Electronic scholarly and professional books

The SpringerLink service provides access to around 2,800 scientific and professional journals, to over 48,000 books and over 280 reference books by the various publishing houses merged in the Springer Science+Business Media group which is based on the Springer-Verlag and Verlag Kluwer Academic Publishers publishing houses. Coverage includes variou…


Economics and management Law Regulatons Electronic scholarly and professional books Electronic newspapers

TAX-FIN-LEX is a Slovene portal that allows searching for and reading documents in the fields of taxes, finance, and law. The tax section presents opinions and articles by tax advisers and consultants, explanations from the Tax Office of the Republic of Slovenia, a sampling of forms, and links to legal bases; the accounting and finance section off…

UN iLibrary

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Statistical and research data Electronic scholarly and professional journals Electronic scholarly and professional books

The United Nations iLibrary is the comprehensive global search, discovery, and viewing source for digital content created by the United Nations. It provides librarians, information specialists, scholars, students, policy makers and the general public with a single digital destination for seamlessly accessing publications, journals, data, and serie…