Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Directories of periodicals Bibliometrical data
CWTS Journal Indicators is a freely accessible Internet resource that provides an insight into bibliometric indicators for scientific journals. The indicators have been calculated by the Leiden University Centre for Science and Technology Studies based on the Scopus bibliographic database produced by Elsevier. A key indicator is SNIP—Source-…
Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Directories of periodicals Bibliometrical data
Eigenfactor is a freely accessible web resource that provides an insight into bibliometric data on scientific journals. The data is provided by the Journal Citation Records (JCR), i.e., Web of Science. The main bibliometric indicators are Eigenfactor Score (importance of a journal to the scientific community) and Article Influence Score (the avera…
Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Citation Indexes Directories of periodicals Bibliometrical data
Google Scholar is used to for search for articles, dissertations, books, reports, and more from a variety of resources: publishers, archives of open access, websites of academic institutions, and cited literature. Subscribed institutions and members of the libraries of the University of Ljubljana have access to full-text articles through remote ac…
Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Directories of periodicals Bibliometrical data
Journal Citation Reports database is used for bibliometric analysis of scientific journals in the field of sciences and social sciences that are included in citation indexes. This information support analysis of the influence and trending of journals, etc.
It contains bibliographic data, number of articles, number of citations, impact factor…
Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Directories of periodicals Bibliometrical data
SCImago Journal & Country Rank is a freely accessible portal that includes bibliometric data on scientific journals and countries. Scientific indicators draw their data from the Scopus (Elsevier) collection of citation indexes. The portal offers many indicators of scientific publications and displays them in the form of tables or graphs that c…