
Number of sources: 156

Academic Search Complete

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Electronic scholarly and professional journals

Academic Search Complete is one of the largest multidisciplinary collections. It is used to search for technical and scientific literature and read journals from a broad range of areas of academic study, including the social sciences and humanities, natural science, and technology. In addition, this database includes up-to-date events from the wor…

ACM Digital Library

Library and Information Sciences Computer Science Indexes and abstracts of periodicals Electronic scholarly and professional journals

ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) is the largest world association in the fields of computer and information sciences. It was founded in 1947 to promote the role of computer and information sciences in the fields of science and education.

ACM Digital Library is the biggest information source in the field and enables access to full-text ar…


Agriculture Biotechnology Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

AGRIS is used to search for technical and scientific literature in the field of agriculture. It offers bibliographic data on more than 8,900,000 abstracts of articles. Technical and scientific literature comes from more than 350 institutions from different participating countries, including Slovenia, under the patronage of the Food and Agriculture…

Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon Online / Artists of the World Online (AKLO)

Social Sciences and Humanities Full Text Articles Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks

The database Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon Online / Artists of the World Online is the world's most contemporary, reliable and extensive reference work on artists. It contains authoritative, up-to-date biographical information on more than 1 million artists - more than any other database in the world.

American Chemical Society Journals

Biology Physics Chemistry Electronic scholarly and professional journals

ACS Journals is used to search for and read scientific publications in the field of chemistry. It contains bibliographic data with abstracts and full-text articles from 50 scientific publications from 2000 onward.

The American Chemical Society is the world's leading provider of peer-reviewed research journals in the fields of chemistry and re…

American Physical Society (APS) Journals

Physics Electronic scholarly and professional journals

APS Journals is used to search for and read articles in the field of physics. It contains full-text articles from 15 scientific publications by the American Physical Society publisher: Physical Review Letters, Physical Review X (Open Access), Reviews Of Modern Physics, Physical Review A, Physical Review B, Physical Re…


Etnology Anthropology Electronic scholarly and professional journals

The AnthroSource collection is used to search for and read full-text articles from periodicals and bulletins published by the American Anthropological Association. It covers different fields of anthropology, ethnology, folklore, etc. The periodicals are available from the beginning of their publication, American Anthropologist, for example, from 1…

Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov

Social Sciences and Humanities Statistical and research data

ADP hosts a data collection for social science analyses with emphasis on important content and methodologically well performed research containing data on Slovenia in particular.

ADP keeps an archive used to search for data and browse through social science studies where the data found can be analysed. The archive maintains the research descripti…

Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts Online

Conservation Materials Science Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

Art and Archaeology Technical abstracts ofline is used to search for scientific and professional literature in the fields of conservation and preservation of material cultural heritage. It covers the area of works of art, cultural objects, and archeological heritage. It contains bibliographic data with abstracts of over 144,000 articles from 150 s…

ASCE Library

Construction Industry Geodesy Full Text Articles Electronic Magazines

The ASCE Library allows you to search the contents of 35 journal titles published by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). The full texts of the articles have been available since 2000.

Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials PLUS

Religion Social Sciences and Humanities Indexes and abstracts of periodicals Citation Indexes Electronic scholarly and professional books

Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials PLUS combines the premier index to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion with Atla's largest online collection of major journals. It includes more than 500 journals in many diverse areas of religion and theology, with full-text content in …


Literature Audio books Literary works

Audibook is a collection of audio books in Slovenian language. Install android or iOS for audii book listening on our mobile device. Members of the National and University Library can borrow from more than 350 audio books titles.

Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals

Architecture Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

The Avery Index to the Architectural Periodicals collection contains bibliographic data with extracts from more than 700 American and international scientific and professional periodical literature as well as numerous other publications such as bulletins and catalogues of professional associations in the fields of architecture, landscape engineeri…


Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Indexes and abstracts of periodicals Search engines and directories of open access resources Repositories of scholarly works, dissertations and theses Electronic scholarly and professional journals

BASE is one of the world's most voluminous search engines especially for academic web resources. BASE provides more than 133 million documents from more than 6,500 sources. You can access the full texts of about 60% of the indexed documents for free (Open Access). BASE is operated by Bielefeld University Library.

Basilica Online (Brill)

Social Sciences and Humanities Law History Scientific Publications

Basilica Online is an online edition of the 17 volumes of the Basilica text and its scholia, as edited between 1945 and 1988 by H.J. Scheltema, D. Holwerda, and N. van der Wal. The Basilica is the single-most important source for Byzantine law throughout the period of the Byzantine empire, and is a major source for Byzantine studies more broadly.

Bibliographic Database of the Conservation Information Network (BCIN)

Conservation Materials Science Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

The Bibliographic Database of the Conservation Information Network (BCIN) serves to search for scientific and professional literature in the fields of conservation, preservation, and restoration. It contains bibliographic data with abstracts of books, chapters from books, conference papers, technical reports, and audio-visual and unpublished mater…

BIOSIS Citation Index

Biology Indexes and abstracts of periodicals Citation Indexes

BIOSIS Citation Index database is used for search and overview of scholarly literature in life sciences. Includes bibliographical data with abstracts of articles from scholarly journals.

Brepolis Latin Complete

Classical Studies Literary Texts

The Brepolis Latin Complete allows the user to search simultaneously various databases, namely:

  • The Library of Latin Texts - one of the most important databases of Latin literature from antiquity to the 20th century.
  • The Aristoteles Latinus Database - critical editions of medieval translations of Aristotle's writings in full texts.
  • The Ar…

Brill Dictionaries

Družboslovje in humanistika Jezikoslovje Dictionaries

Brill Dictionaries:

1. The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek
This comprehensive dictionary offers a modern and precise overview of Ancient Greek. With more than 140,000 entries, it serves as an invaluable resource for students, scholars, and enthusiasts of classical studies. It covers a wide range of vocabulary from the classical, Hellenistic, an…

Brill eBook Collection

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Electronic scholarly and professional books

Brill eBook Collection is a collection of all e-books published by Brill. It contains 66 books from various fields of research.

Brill’s Encyclopaedia of the Neo-Latin World Online

Social Sciences and Humanities Classical Studies Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks

Brill’s Encyclopaedia of the Neo-Latin World traces the enduring history and wide-ranging cultural influence of Neo-Latin, the form of Latin that originated in the Italian Renaissance and persists to the modern era. Featuring original contributions by a host of distinguished international scholars, this comprehensive reference work expl…

Brill’s Encyclopedia of China (Brill)

Economics and management Social Sciences and Humanities Geography Sociology History Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks

Brill’s Encyclopedia of China Online is based on the originally a thousand-page reference work on China with a clear focus on the modern period from the mid-nineteenth century to the 21st century. Written by the world’s top scholars, Brill’s Encyclopedia of China is the first place to look for reliable information on the history,…

Britannica Academic

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks

Britannica Academic includes the entire contents of the printed edition of the Encyclopedia with over 108,000 articles, 35,000 images, illustrations, and more.

In addition, it contains the Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus with over 550,000 entries, Year in Review (overview of events in individual years), 4,000 video and s…

Business Source Premier

Economics and management Indexes and abstracts of periodicals Electronic scholarly and professional journals

Business Source Premier is used to search professional and scientific literature from the fields of economics, management and entrepreneurship. It also covers finance, accounting, marketing, management information systems and operations management.

Full text articles from over 2100 of business and professional periodicals are available.


CINAHL Ultimate

Medicine Health Care Indexes and abstracts of periodicals Electronic scholarly and professional journals

CINAHL with Full Text is used to search for scientific and professional literature and read full-text articles in the field of health care.

Coverage includes bibliographic data with abstracts of articles from about 2,800 scientific and professional journals and full texts from 580 journals. To search for a topic, use "CINAHL Headings" t…


Literary works Electronic Books

COBISS Ela is a national platform for electronic books loaning. Loaning takes place via the COBISS library system. The platform offers many titles from Slovenian publishers. One can use the COBISS+ search engine to browse book titles and book genres.

Cochrane Library

Medicine Health Care Indexes and abstracts of periodicals Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks

The Cochrane Library allows simultaneous searching of full-text systematic synoptic articles and bibliographic data on articles about clinical studies and methods used in specific fields of medicine, health care economics, use of technologies in healthcare, etc. The collection provides qualitative scientific evidence for informing healthcare profe…

Communication & Mass Media Complete (CMMC)

Communicology Indexes and abstracts of periodicals Electronic scholarly and professional journals

Communication & Mass Media Complete is used to search for scientific literature and read articles in the field of communication and mass media.

Coverage includes bibliographic data with abstracts of articles from more than 670 scientific journals and full text from over 420 journals.
To search for a topic, use the "Subject" index de…

Credo Online Reference Service, Academic Core Collection

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Linguistics Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks Dictionaries Biographical data

Credo Online Reference Service, Academic Core Collection is an ideal collection to start your search when you need explanations of terms, biographical data, and more because it contains over 650 reference works (encyclopedias, atlases, vocabularies, handbooks, biographical lexicons, and more) from a variety of disciplines (philosophy, music, geogr…

Current Contents Connect

Natural Sciences and Technology Social Sciences and Humanities Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

Current Contents Connect is used for monitoring contents of scholarly journals. It contains bibliographical data with abstracts of articles in scholarly journals. Includes following editions and collections:

  • Social & Behavioral Sciences (SBS)
  • Clinical Medicine (CM)
  • Life Sciences (LS)
  • Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences (PCES)
  • Engine…

CWTS Journal Indicators

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Directories of periodicals Bibliometrical data

CWTS Journal Indicators is a freely accessible Internet resource that provides an insight into bibliometric indicators for scientific journals. The indicators have been calculated by the Leiden University Centre for Science and Technology Studies based on the Scopus bibliographic database produced by Elsevier. A key indicator is SNIP—Source-…

DART-Europe E-theses Portal

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Search engines and directories of open access resources Dissertations and theses

DART-Europe is a portal that provides access to full-text master's theses and doctoral dissertations of the partnership of research libraries and library consortia. The portal hosts over 767,924 open access research theses from 613 Universities in 28 European countries.

Publisher: University College London

Data Citation Index

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Citation Indexes Statistical and research data

Data Citation Index database is used for searching and overview of research data sets. It contains metadata about research data sets from various repositories or archives, links to published research on data and links to data itself. 

De Gruyter Online

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Electronic Books Electronic Magazines Electronic scholarly and professional journals

De Gruyter Online is an electronic resource which offers access to De Gruyter Complete eJournal Collection.

De Gruyter Complete eJournal Collection is a collection of 450 journals (more than 100 journals are open access). Journals are published in cooperation with international societies. The collection is multidisciplina…

Dela FDV

Social Sciences and Humanities Dissertations and theses Electronic scholarly and professional journals

The FDV Publications collection contains full texts of graduate and master’s theses of the Faculty of Social Sciences from 2002 onward, some doctoral theses, and full-text articles from journals published by the Faculty of Social Sciences: Teorija in praksa (Theory and Practice, from 1998 to 2016) and Družboslovne razprave (Papers in Social …

Derwent Innovations Index

Natural Sciences and Technology Patents (records)

Derwent Innovations Index is used for searching patents. It contains detailed data on 65 million patent documents, data on citing and cited patents etc.

Dictionnaire des Philosophes Antiques Online (DPhA)

Social Sciences and Humanities Philosophy Classical Studies Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks

Dictionnaire des Philosophes Antiques Online (lexicon of ancient philosophers) is a comprehensive reference work on the life and work of the thinkers of ancient Greece and Rome.

The online version today contains 2,970 social articles on ancient philosophers and is integrated with two other fundamental tools, the bibliographic base L'Ann&eacut…

Digitalna knjižnica Biotehnične fakultete

Natural Sciences and Technology Repositories of scholarly works, dissertations and theses Dissertations and theses

The Digital Library of the Biotechnical Faculty is used to search for and read texts of bachelor's, specialist, and master's theses and doctoral dissertations.

Coverage includes full texts of bachelor's, specialist, and master's theses and doctoral dissertations the authors defended at the University of Ljubljana Biotechnical Facu…

Directory of Open Access Books

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Search engines and directories of open access resources Electronic scholarly and professional books

The Directory of Open Access Books is used to search academic peer-reviewed books. It offers peer-reviewed titles from different scientific fields. It provides free access to full-text from more than 12.100 books. Users can search by title, topic, and words from bibliographic records on books and by bibliographic data on books: author, title, abst…

Directory of Open Access Journals

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Indexes and abstracts of periodicals Search engines and directories of open access resources Electronic scholarly and professional journals

The Directory of Open Access Journals is used to search for scientific journals and articles from the journals. It offers peer-reviewed titles from all scientific fields. It provides free access to full-text articles from over 11,500 scientific and professional journals. Users can search by title, topic, and words from bibliographic records on jou…

Directory of Open Access Repositories - OpenDOAR

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Search engines and directories of open access resources Repositories of scholarly works, dissertations and theses

The Directory of Open Access Repositories is used to search for open access digital archives (academic repositories) and allows for searching the documents from archives. The archives can contain publications from a specific discipline, institution, or fund provider. They can include preprints and reprints of scientific publications, conference pa…

eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks Electronic Books Dictionaries Electronic scholarly and professional books

The E-Book Collection offered by EBSCOHost contains more than 180,000 e-books in the fields of the humanities, social sciences, medicine, natural sciences, and technology. Most of the books can be borrowed (instructions) to portable devices such as tablet computers, dedicated readers, and/or smart phones. Most of the books offer unlimited simultan…


Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Directories of periodicals Bibliometrical data

Eigenfactor is a freely accessible web resource that provides an insight into bibliometric data on scientific journals. The data is provided by the Journal Citation Records (JCR), i.e., Web of Science. The main bibliometric indicators are Eigenfactor Score (importance of a journal to the scientific community) and Article Influence Score (the avera…

Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Directories of periodicals Search engines and directories of open access resources Electronic scholarly and professional journals

Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek is used to search for scientific and professional electronic journals, both free and payable. It contains over 95,200 titles of journals in all fields, over 60,800 of which are freely accessible. More than 20,100 journals are only accessible electronically. It includes data from more than 120,000 titles availa…

Emerald Insight

Economics and management Electronic scholarly and professional journals Electronic scholarly and professional books

Emerald Premier is a collection of all jourals published by Emerald Publishing. It contains 308 subscription journals, which include more than 200.000 scientific articles from various subjects: economics, marketing, finance, business, management, education, engeneering, health & social care, HR & organization studies, information…

Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics (Brill)

Social Sciences and Humanities Linguistics Classical Studies Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks

The Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics (EAGLL) is a unique work that brings together the latest research from across a range of disciplines which contribute to our knowledge of Ancient Greek. It is an indispensable research tool for scholars and students of Greek, of linguistics, and of other Indo-European languages, …

Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences

Library and Information Sciences Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks

The Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences is the 3rd edition (1st ed. and 2nd ed.) of the well-known and established encyclopedia in the fields of librarianship and information sciences, as well as of archival science, museology, publishing, and more. The Encyclopedia contains 565 entries, with more than 400 newly written. It covers the…

Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics Online (Brill)

Linguistics Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks

The Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics offers a comprehensive overview of the languages of the Slavic language family and the different ways in which they are and have been studied. It provides authoritative treatment of all important aspects of the Slavic language family from its Indo-European origins to the pres…


Education Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

ERIC is used to search for scientific and professional literature in the field of education: pedagogy, andragogy, didactics, defectology, psychology, learning and individual development, educational processes in schoolrooms, school, society, curriculum, social processes, environment and structures, research and methodology, buildings and equipment…

Forest Science Database

Biotechnology Forest Science Indexes and abstracts of periodicals Electronic scholarly and professional journals

Access to information of high quality, recognizing worldwide interest in sustainable forestry, tropical deforestation, climate change, carbon sequestration, forest genetic resources and related issues.

Providing access to years of research from all over the world, the Forest Science Database provides a source for foresters, scientists, environmen…


Linguistics General Information Dictionaries Information Portal Maps Deleted

The Fran portal, Vocabularies of the Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language at ZRC SAZU, is intended for browsing through dictionaries, linguistic corpora, and other linguistic collections. It is managed by the Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language at ZRC SAZU. It includes the Dictionary of the Slovenian Standard L…

Gale Research Complete

Economics and management Management Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Philosophy Religion Literary Sciences Literature Political Science History Full Text Articles Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks Electronic Books Electronic Magazines

Gale Research Complete is Gale's most comprehensive collection, bringing together in one place a number of otherwise separate collections, such as:

All of these collections cover the f…

Google Učenjak

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Citation Indexes Directories of periodicals Bibliometrical data

Google Scholar is used to for search for articles, dissertations, books, reports, and more from a variety of resources: publishers, archives of open access, websites of academic institutions, and cited literature. Subscribed institutions and members of the libraries of the University of Ljubljana have access to full-text articles through remote ac…


Environmental Sciences Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

GreenFile is a database intended for searching scientific and professional literature related to environmental issues, mostly from the aspect of man's relation to the environment, his impact on global warming, and what individuals, companies, and governments can do to preserve the environment.

Coverage includes bibliographic data with abstrac…

Grove Art Online/Oxford Art Online

Fine Arts Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks

The Grove Dictionary of Art is the foremost scholarly encyclopedia of art covering painting, sculpture, architecture, and decorative arts: ceramics, glass, interior design, etc. It contains over 43,000 articles (20,000 biographies) about artists, movements, schools, techniques, theories, cities, countries, periods, etc. It features 40,000 painting…

Grove Music Online/Oxford Music Online

Musicology Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks

Grove Music Online is the leading encyclopedia of musicology and music in general. It contains synoptic articles on all aspects of music. It includes the Oxford Dictionary of Music and the Oxford Companion to Music. The articles covered contain bilbiographies as instructions for further reading and can also contain illustration…

Gun Regulation and Legislation in America (HeinOnline)

Law Thematic collections of publications and documents

Gun Regulation and Legislation in America is a collection by publisherWilliam S. Hein & Co., which covers one of the most controversial and heavily-debated topics in history of United states of America. It's core is the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. The concept of gun control, firearms’ potential to cause mass c…


Economics and management Business directories Electronic scholarly and professional journals Electronic newspapers Business information and data

 The service is intended to search for business information, balances, currency and stock exchange rates, news, etc., and to search and read articles from individual Slovene newspapers and magazines. The Super subscription package includes the following contents:  Credit assessment (data on financial assets and liq…

HighWire Press

Natural Sciences and Technology Electronic scholarly and professional journals

HighWire Press is used to search for and read scientific and professional articles in the fields of medicine, biology, and and veterinary medicine.
It contains data with abstracts and full-text articles from over 700 scientific journals. In most cases, the articles become accessible only after a certain embargo period (6–36 months). Recently…


Architecture Construction Industry Materials Science Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

Iconda is used to search for scientific and professional literature in the fields of construction and architecture.

Coverage includes bibliographic data with abstracts of articles from over 1,000 scientific and professional journals, papers from conference proceedings, books, research reports, dissertations, etc.

Access for eight simultaneus use…

IEEE Xplore Digital Library

Electrical Engineering Computer Science Physics Electronic scholarly and professional journals Electronic scholarly and professional books Standards (texts, bibliographical data)

The IEEE Xplore portal provides access to the complete offer of the IEEE/IET Digital Library (IEL). It provides access to over 3 million full-text documents from some of the world's most highly cited publications in electrical engineering, computer science, electronics, and ICT, including with valid IEEE – SA Standards. Full-text ar…

International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law Online (Brill)

Social Sciences and Humanities Law Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks

International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law Online is the first broad, systematic and international compendium of comparative law. 

Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research

Social Sciences and Humanities Statistical and research data

ICPSR maintains an archive where users can search for social science research and access data. The archive contains the research description (title, researchers, population, time frame, data acquisition method, publications, etc.) and files with code-book, data, and more.
Topics covered include population censuses, economy, education, criminology,…

IOP Science (Institute of Physics Journals)

Computer Science Physics Electronic scholarly and professional journals

The IOP Science collection is used to search for and read articles from over 70 scientific and professional journals and some conference proceedings from the non-profit Institute of Physics (IOP) Publishing. Topics covered include physics, astronomy and astrophysics, mathematics, measurements, materials, electronics, computer science, and related …

JapanKnowledge Lib

Social Sciences and Humanities Linguistics Asian Studies Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks Dictionaries Electronic scholarly and professional journals

JapanKnowledge Lib is an online web archive that boasts the largest corpus of encyclopedia, dictionaries, reference compilations, and periodical resources (approximately 50 different sources) in Japan. The basic search system that facilitates cross-referencing throughout all the sources in the collection is quite simple to use, but at the same tim…

Jesuit Historiography Online

Religion Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks

Jesuit Historiography Online (Brill) is an Open Access resource, which offers historical content about Jesuits. It provides summaries of key texts from the earlier literature, painstaking surveys of more recent work, and digests of archival and online resources. Crucially, the scope of the essays is global: they cover both Anglophone and non-Anglo…

Journal Citation Reports

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Directories of periodicals Bibliometrical data

Journal Citation Reports database is used for bibliometric analysis of scientific journals in the field of sciences and social sciences that are included in citation indexes. This information support analysis of the influence and trending of journals, etc.

It contains bibliographic data, number of articles, number of citations, impact factor…

JOVE - Journal of Visualized Experiments

Biomedicine Biochemistry Biology Biotechnology Video Recordings

JOVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) is a scientific database that provides high-quality videos and articles showcasing experimental techniques across a variety of scientific disciplines. It is the world's first peer-reviewed video journal, aimed at improving the reproducibility of scientific experiments and enhancing the understanding of …


Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Electronic scholarly and professional journals

JSTOR (Journal Storage) is an archive designed to search and read full-text articles in over 1,700 scientific journals in the fields of anthropology, archaeology, economy and entrepreneurship, philosophy, music, education, linguistics and literature, mathematics, natural sciences, politology, law, sociology, art and art history, history, and more.…

KCI - Korean Journal Database

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Asian Studies Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

Korean Journal Database is used for search and overview of scholarly literature published in South Korea. It contains bibliographical data with abstracts of articles from 2.300 scholarly journals.

Keesing’s World News Archive

Current and historic themes and events News

The Keesing’s World News Archive contains more than 116,000 full-text synoptic articles based on the daily news from around the world. Topics covered include events from the world, individual countries, and international organizations from 1931 onward as well as political events, basic statistical data on individual countries, election resul…

Kritisches Lexikon zur deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur (KLG Online)

Literary Sciences Literature Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks Biographical data

KLG is a basic reference work for studying modern German-language literature. The Lexikon includes articles on over 750 authors and their main works that were published or became influential after 1945. Each article includes a short biography (biogram), a list of literary awards, an extensive essay with analysis and interpretation of the author…

L’Année philologique

Social Sciences and Humanities Classical Studies Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

L’Année philologique is an indispensible resource by the research scholars who are its intended users. Its goal is to collect annually scholarly works relating to every aspect of Greek and Roman civilization (authors and texts; literature; linguistics; political, economic, and social history; attitudes and daily life; religion; cultur…

Lexicon of Greek Grammarians of Antiquity (Brill)

Social Sciences and Humanities Linguistics Classical Studies Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks

Brill’s Lexicon of Greek Grammarians of Antiquity (LGGA) serves as the first point of reference for information on the ancient grammarians for scholars of Greek and Latin antiquity, in particular for research into the history of philology, grammar and ancient scholarship.

Library & Information Science Collection (LISC)

Library and Information Sciences Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

LISC (Library & Information Science Collection) combines two collections:

  • LISA is used to search for scientific and professional literature in the field of librarianship and information sciences: searching for and saving information, library use and library users, library management, construction and equipment of libraries, promotion of lib…

Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA)

Library and Information Sciences Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

The Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) collection is designed to search for scientific and professional literature in the fields of librarianship and information sciences.

Coverage includes bibliographic data with abstracts of articles from over 600 scholarly journals, books, papers from conference proceedings, and re…

Library Literature & Information Science Full Text

Library and Information Sciences Indexes and abstracts of periodicals Electronic scholarly and professional journals

Library Literature & Information Science Full Text is used to search for scientific and professional literature and read articles in the fields of librarianship and information sciences: searching and saving information, use of libraries and library users, library management, construction and equipment of libraries, promotion of libraries, cat…

Linguistics Collection

Linguistics Literary Sciences Indexes and abstracts of periodicals Electronic scholarly and professional journals

Lingusitics Collection combines two sources:

  • The Linguistics and Language Behaviour Abstracts database is used to search for scientific and professional literature in the field of language sciences or linguistics: anthropology, applied and descriptive linguistics, discourse analysis, physiology of hearing and speech, lexicology, lexicography, m…

Literature Resource Center (LRC)

Linguistics Literary Sciences Literature Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks Biographical data Electronic scholarly and professional journals

The Literature Resource Center is used to search for scientific literature and full-text articles in the fields of literary sciences, biographical and critical essays on authors, bibliographies and contents of works, select websites, and portraits.

LRC includes full-text articles from over 475 scientific journals and full-texts from over 420 refe…

Loeb Classical Library

Literature Classical Studies Electronic Books Corpuses of original works Literary works Electronic scholarly and professional books

Loeb Classical Library is a collection of more than 450 e-books, which represent the entire heritage of the classical period. Texts are displayed in original greek or latin with simultaneous translation into english. Collection consists the works of poetry, tragedy, comedy, history, philosophy, mathematics, etc., with authors like Socrates, P…

MasterFILE Premier

Current and historic themes and events Electronic magazines Electronic newspapers

MasterFILE Premier is a general reference collection, containing literature from wide-range of subjects, e.g. business, health, education, culture and science. It includes more than:


  • 1.600 ful-text magazines or journals
  • 4.000 reference books
  • 55.000 primary source documents
  • 1.8 million photos, maps and flags


Language: E…

MathSciNet (AMS)

Mathematics Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

MathSciNet® is an electronic publication offering access to a carefully maintained and easily searchable database of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for much of the mathematical sciences literature.

Continuing in the tradition of the paper publication, Mathematical Reviews (MR), which was first published in 194…


Biomedicine Veterinary Science Health Care Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

Medline is used to search for professional and scientific literature in the fields of biomedicine, stomatology, health care, veterinary medicine, and medical care.
Topics covered include bibliographic data with abstracts of articles from around 5,400 journals from 1966 onward.
To search for a topic, use Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).

Language: …

MLA International Bibliography

Etnology Linguistics Literary Sciences Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

The MLA International Bibliography is used to search for professional and scientific literature in the fields of literary sciences and linguistics including literary theory and criticism, literary forms and genres, national literatures, folklore, theatre arts, individual languages and language groups, theory of linguistics, philosophy of language,…

Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (MGG Online)

Musicology Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks

MGG Online is a comprehensive German music encyclopedia consisting of over 19,000 articles written by 3,500 authors covering almost every aspect of music and its history. It features the complete second edition of Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (MGG) along with regularly updated and newly written articles. MGG’s widely reputed and tho…

Nacionalni portal odprte znanosti

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Search engines and directories of open access resources Repositories of scholarly works, dissertations and theses Dissertations and theses

The OpenScience Slovenia enables to search and read open access content from diplomas, master and doctoral theses and research publications of Slovenian universities. It contains more than 202,300 documents.

Compliance of the repositories with OpenAIRE Guidelines enables the European Commission to verify the fulfilment of obligator…

National Criminal Justice Reference Service Abstracts Database

Criminology Law Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

The NCJRS Abstracts Database is used to search for scientific and professional literature in the fields of criminal law and criminology including topics such as enforcement of criminal sanctions, courts of justice, crime prevention, drugs, juveniles, police, statistics, technology, victims, and more.
The database contains bibliographic description…

Natural Sciences and Technology Electronic scholarly and professional journals is used to search for and read articles and news in the field of natural sciences. Topics covered include full-text articles from 36 scientific Nature Research journals  and 39 journals published at the Nature Publishing Group (Nature, Nature Cell Biology, Nature Genetics, Nature Immunology, Nature Medicine, Nature Reviews Cancer, …


Natural Sciences and Technology Standards

NAUTOS is a database of standards that has replaced the older platform PERINORM. It contains various standards, including DIN, VDI, ISO, ASTM, ASME, BSI, SAE, and others. It offers more than 600,000 documents from over 60 national, European, and international standards collections. It enables quick document searches using 57 configurable search fi…

Naxos Music Library

Music Music recordings

The Naxos Music Library is a service which enables listening to mostly classical music—orchestral and vocal music, operas, etc.—as well as popular, jazz, and ethno music. The service offers over 2,300,000 tracks, equivalent to 150,000 CD-length recordings. In addition to recordings, the service contains brief biographies of composers a…

Naxos Video Library

Music Videos of music performances

The Naxos Video Library collection includes over 2,575 live classical music concerts, operas, ballets, and documentaries by recognized labels (Arthaus Music, Dacapo, Dynamics, EuroArts, Ondine, Opus Arte, Medici Arts, Naxos, and TDK). The world's greatest orchestras and artists such as the Berlin and Vienna Philharmonic Orchestras, Pavarotti, …

Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD)

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Dissertations and theses

The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations is used to search for and read doctoral dissertations and master's theses.
The library contains over 5,000,000 dissertations. Searching and access to content is provided by various service providers such as Base, Narcis and DART-Europe and by individual universities  or Global ETD …


Current and historic themes and events News

The Newswires collection provides access to high-profile daily news sources from across the world. Coverage includes news from AP Financial News, AP Top News, AP WorldStream, AP U.S. Politics & Government, AP 50 State Reports, UPI Security Industry, UPI Emerging Threats, UPI Entertainment, UPI Sports, UPI Top News, Arabia 2000, and more. Users…

Nexis Uni

Law Database Legislation

Nexis Uni is an online research database that provides access to a vast collection of legal, business, news, and academic resources. It includes court cases, statutes, law reviews, news articles from major publications, company information, and more. The platform is widely used by students, legal professionals, and researchers for comprehensi…


Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Repositories of scholarly works, dissertations and theses

OAIster is used to search for publications from a variety of digital archives. Coverage includes preprints and reprints of scientific articles, conference papers, dissertations, books, research reports, pictorial and audio materials, and more.
OAIster contains over 50 million metadata descriptions; data is upgraded weekly or monthly.

Language: En…

OECD iLibrary

Social Sciences and Humanities Statistical and research data Electronic scholarly and professional journals Electronic scholarly and professional books

OECD iLibrary enables searching for and reading full texts of all publications published by OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) from 1998 onward. It offers over 11700 e-books, 6,800 articles, reports, and newspapers, etc. In addition, it allows viewing statistical data collections of OECD, the International Energy Agency …

Oxford Academic Journals

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Full Text Articles Scientific Publications Electronic Magazines Electronic scholarly and professional journals

The Oxford Academic Journals collection is used for searching and access to scholarly literature in medicine, biological sciences, mathematics and physics, legislation, humanities, and social sciences. Includes full-text articles from more than 450 journals from the Oxford University Press. Coverage starts from 1996 o…

Oxford English Dictionary Online

Linguistics Dictionaries

The electronic form of the Oxford English Dictionary (third edition), the most authoritative and most extensive dictionary of English, contains around 600,000 entries that include etimology, usage, pronunciation, and more. Advanced search allows the use of a variety of criteria, operators and limiters, etc.

Oxford Handbooks Online

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Scientific Publications Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks Electronic Books

Oxford Handbooks Online is an outstanding collection of the best Handbooks areas across many different subject areas. One of the most prestigious and successful strands of Oxford’s scholarly publishing, the Handbook series contains in-depth, high-level articles by scholars at the top of their field.

Oxford Handbooks Online is guid…

Oxford Scholarly Editions Online

Social Sciences and Humanities Literary Sciences Classical Studies Electronic Books Literary Texts

Oxford Scholarly Editions Online provides trustworthy, annotated primary texts for scholars and students. It includes writers active between 701 and 1901, plus Roman and Greek authors — from Aristotle, Austen, Bentham, Catullus, Dickens, and Donne through to Plato, Virgil, and Wordsworth. It contains over 1,500 scholarly editions — the…


Current and historic themes and events Electronic newspapers

The PressReader collection offers current editions of over 7,000 national, regional, and local newspapers and magazines from Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, and Latin and North America, more than 120 countries and 60 languages in total. The collection includes serious newspapers such as Dnevnik, Nedeljski dnevnik (Slovenia), The Guardian, The Dai…

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Dissertations and theses

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (PQDT) database is the world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses. PQDT includes nearly 3 million searchable citations to dissertations and theses from around the world from 1861 to the present day together with over 1 million full-text dissertations that are available for download in PD…

ProQuest East Europe & Central Europe Database

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Indexes and abstracts of periodicals Electronic scholarly and professional journals

The ProQuest East Europe & Central Europe Database collection is used to search for scientific and professional literature in all scientific disciplines, including social sciences, education, the humanities, business operations, and economy. Coverage includes 600 scientific journals in full-text, published in the territory of Eastern…


Psychology Full Text Articles Electronic Magazines Electronic scholarly and professional journals

PsycArticles is a database for searching and reading  journal articles in the field of psychology. Materials covered include articles, peer reviews, and other publications from about 110 scientific journals published by the American Psychological Association, the Educational Publishing Foundation, the Canadian Psychological Association, and t…


Psychology Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

PsycInfo is a database designed to search for professional and scientific literature in the field of psychology including history and branches of psychology; psychometry, statistics, and methodology; experimental psychology; neuropsychology; communication systems; developmental psychology; social processes; social psychology; psychology of persona…


Psychology Full Text Articles Lists and Abstracts of Articles Scientific Publications

PsycTests is an electronic database providing descriptive summaries, full text, and relevant citations on the development and assessment of tests and measures that can be used in research and teaching. The database serves as a repository for the full text (when available) of psychological tests and measures as well as a source of structured i…


Psychology Video Recordings

APA PsycTherapy is a streaming video platform, which provides clinicians, counselors, instructors, and trainees the opportunity to sharpen their skills by observing candid, unscripted psychotherapy sessions featuring renowned therapists. This proven training method is an invaluable tool for learning and remaining abreast of the latest psychot…


Psychology Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

PTSDpubs - formerly called Published International Literature On Traumatic Stress (PILOTS) - is a specialised bibliographic database used to search for popular, professional, and scientific literature dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health sequelae of traumatic events such as war events, natural disasters, or ot…


Health Care Biomedicine Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

PubMed® comprises more than 34 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites. - Registry of Research Data Repositories

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Statistical and research data is used for searching research data repositories. Each repository is described with over 40 characteristics: country, discipline, research data content type, data upload, data licence, persistent identifiers, metadata standard, software, certificates etc. Includes information on over 2500 repositories worldwide.

Doponjevanje: ted…

Repozitorij CLARIN.SI

Družboslovje in humanistika Jezikoslovje Računalništvo Jezikovni viri Raziskovalni podatki Repozitoriji

Repozitorij CLARIN.SI zagotavlja zanesljivo arhiviranje in dostop do jezikovnih virov, kot so korpusi (tj. urejene zbirke besedil), avdio posnetki, besedišča, slovarji in jezikovni modeli. V repozitoriju je deponiranih prek 500 jezikovnih virov in orodij oz. približno 1 TB podatkov za prek 90 jezikov, pri čemer je večinski del namenjen…

Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Repositories of scholarly works, dissertations and theses Dissertations and theses

Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani (Repository of the University of Ljubljana) facilitates collecting and saving electronic forms of theses, articles, and research publications by employees of the University as well as research data. During submission, a process for detecting similarities in content (plagiarism) will be implemented for each work hel…

RILM Abstracts of Music Literature

Musicology Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

RILM Abstracts of Music Literature is an extensive music bibliography which offers broad yet detailed coverage and allows for both in-depth research and optional searching of contents for users of all levels. RILM was designed for researchers who want clear and verified bibliographic information that is fully cited, abstracted, and indexed.


RILM Music Encyclopedias

Musicology Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks Dictionaries Biographical data

RILM Music Encyclopedias is a collection of over 60 encyclopedias in full text, comprising more than 300,000 entries and including volumes published between 1775 and the present. The content of this extensive multilingual collection spans the most important fields and subject areas of historical musicology, ethnomusicology, and theory, on topics r…

Royal Society of Chemistry Gold

Natural Sciences and Technology Indexes and abstracts of periodicals Electronic scholarly and professional journals Electronic scholarly and professional books

RSC Gold provides access to 43 current journal titles, 5 database collections (Analytical Abstracts, Chemical Hazards in Industry, Laboratory Hazards Bulletin, Natural Product Updates, and Synthetic Reaction Updates), the monograph series Issues in Environmental Science and Technology, and archival contents of Annual Reports on the Progress of Che…

SAGE Journals Online

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Electronic scholarly and professional journals

SAGE Journals Online (SAGE Premier package) collection is designed to search for professional and scientific literature and read articles in the fields of social sciences, humanities, medicine, technology, and natural sciences. Coverage includes bibliographic data with abstracts and full-text articles more than 1100 journals.

Update: Da…

SAGE Research Methods

Social Sciences and Humanities Sociology Research process

Sage Research Methods is the ultimate methods library with more than 1000 books, reference works, journal articles, and instructional videos by world-leading academics from across the social sciences, including the largest collection of qualitative methods books available online from any scholarly publisher. The site is designed to guide user…

SAGE Video

Economics and management Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Video Recordings

SAGE Video is a comprehensive collection of academic video content designed to support education, research, and academic endeavors across various disciplines. Key features of the collection include:

  • Diverse Content: The videos span a wide range of subjects, including social sciences, psychology, business, education, healthcare, media and comm…


Construction Industry Electronic scholarly and professional books

SCHADIS is a collection of reports, expertise, and other types of literature dealing with the causes, prevention, and cleanup of damage to buildings. 

Coverage includes over 1230 reference works, articles, and reports. Full texts, photographs, and tables are available.

Language: German

Source is provided by Central Technical Library.

SciELO Citation Index

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Indexes and abstracts of periodicals Citation Indexes

SciELO Citation Index database is used for search and overview of scholarly literature published in Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, South Africa, Spain and Venezuela. It contains bibliographical data with abstracts and cited sources of articles from 1.000 open access scholarly journals.


Natural Sciences and Technology Medicine Geography Physics Mathematics Biotechnology Electronic Magazines

The Science magazine began publication in 1880 and publishes original scientific articles from a variety of scientific fields, news, commentaries, and other articles of interest to the general public. Full text is available from 1997 onward.

Provider: Central Technical Library


Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks Electronic scholarly and professional journals Electronic scholarly and professional books

ScienceDirect is a collection by a world leading e-journal publisher - Elsevier. Coverage includes all scientific fields with an emphasis on natural sciences, technology and medicine. Users of the University of Ljubljana have access to journals from the so-called Freedom Collection, containing almost all of the journals of the ScienceDirect servic…

SciFinder Discovery Platform

Biomedicine Biochemistry Chemistry Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

SciFinder Discovery Platform offers a comprehensive solution for exploring scientific information and includes three specialized collections: SciFindern with ChemZent, CAS Formulus, and CAS Analytical Methods. Each collection is tailored to the specific needs of scientists, researchers, and professionals in various fields.

1. SciFindern with Chem…

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Directories of periodicals Bibliometrical data

SCImago Journal & Country Rank is a freely accessible portal that includes bibliometric data on scientific journals and countries. Scientific indicators draw their data from the Scopus (Elsevier) collection of citation indexes. The portal offers many indicators of scientific publications and displays them in the form of tables or graphs that c…


Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Indexes and abstracts of periodicals Citation Indexes

Scopus is a multidisciplinary bibliographic collection with a citation index assembled by Elsevier B.V. Scopus, the largest publisher of international scientific literature. Currently it covers the contents of 23,700 peer-reviewed journal titles (4,000 OA) from over 5,000 publishers and contains over 71 million bibliographic records (64 milli…

SIPRI Yearbook Online

Political Science Yearbooks

SIPRI Yearbook Online is a comprehensive database published by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). It provides critical data and analysis on international security, armament, arms control, and disarmament. The database covers global trends and events related to military conflicts, peacekeeping missions, military expenditu…

Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law (HeinOnline)

Social Sciences and Humanities Law Thematic collections of publications and documents Regulatons Electronic scholarly and professional books

Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law is a collection by publisher William S. Hein & Co, which brings together a multitude of essential legal materials on slavery in the United States and the English-speaking world:

  • every statute passed by every colony and state on slavery,
  • every federal statute dealing with slavery,…

Slovarji založbe DZS

Linguistics Dictionaries

Slovarji DZS is a collection of electronic dictionaries published by the DZS publishing house. Dictionaries allow for two types of search: fast search by entry list, and full search used for direct searching of entries as well as descriptions of entries. The two methods can be combined.

This resource is provided by Central Technical Library of the…

Social Services Abstracts

Social work Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

Social Sciences Abstracts is used to search for scientific and professional literature in the field of social work. 

Coverage includes bibliographic data with abstracts of articles from more than 1,300 scientific journals. Articles from some titles are included entirely, and from others only partly. It contains publications from 1979 onward.…

SocINDEX with Full Text

Sociology Indexes and abstracts of periodicals Electronic scholarly and professional journals

SocINDEX with Full Text offers comprehensive coverage of sociology encompassing all sub-disciplines and closely related areas of study. The database features millions of records with subject headings from a sociological thesaurus designed by subject experts and lexicographers.

In addition to some 630 full-text titles, SocINDEX with Full Text also…

Sociological Abstracts

Sociology Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

The Sociological Abstracts database is used to search for professional and scientific literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. Includes indexing with abstracts of articles in over 1900 journals, conference papers, books, chapters from books, dissertations, and more. Adding to the scope and breadth of t…

Sources Chrétiennes Online

Religion Teology Corpuses of original works

Sources Chrétiennes Online is collection of Christian texts in Greek and Latin, but also in oriental language accompanied with Franch translation. Around half of 600 texts published in series “Sources Chrétiennes” are available (Feb. 2021).

SPORTDiscus with Full Text

Sport Indexes and abstracts of periodicals Electronic scholarly and professional journals

SPORTDiscus with Full Text is a collection designed to search for professional and scientific literature and read articles in the sport sciences and related fields. It provides access to full-text articles.

Subjects covered include biomechanics, sports medicine, kinesiology, nutrition, physical therapy, rehabilitation, sports psychology, and more…


Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Electronic scholarly and professional journals Electronic scholarly and professional books

The SpringerLink service provides access to around 2,800 scientific and professional journals, to over 48,000 books and over 280 reference books by the various publishing houses merged in the Springer Science+Business Media group which is based on the Springer-Verlag and Verlag Kluwer Academic Publishers publishing houses. Coverage includes variou…

Springer Protocols

Natural Sciences and Technology Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks

Springer Protocols is a collection of more than 40,000 full-text articles with detailed descriptions of laboratory protocols of tested and reliable analysis methods in the fields of natural and biomedical sciences including biochemistry, biotechnology, cell biology, bioinformatics, genetics, immunology, radiology, microbiology, molecular medicine,…


Economics and management Statistical and Research Data Statistical and research data

Statista sodi med največje statistične in tržne platforme, ki omogoča dostop do več kot 1,5 milijona statistik, napovedi, dosjejev, poročil in infografik. Pokriva več kot 80.000 različnih tematik iz več kot 22.500 virov ter preko 170 panog in več kot 150 držav. Na platformi lahko iščete npr. podatke o glasbeni industriji, stopnji rev&scaron…


Sport Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

SURF is a search portal of the german Federal Institute for Sports Science (BISp) for searching scholarly and professional literature in sport sciences (sports medicine, physical education, philosophy of sport, kinesiology, biomechanics, psycho-motorics, history of sport, sociology of sport, psychology of sport, etc.).

SURF includes four mer…


Economics and management Law Regulatons Electronic scholarly and professional books Electronic newspapers

TAX-FIN-LEX is a Slovene portal that allows searching for and reading documents in the fields of taxes, finance, and law. The tax section presents opinions and articles by tax advisers and consultants, explanations from the Tax Office of the Republic of Slovenia, a sampling of forms, and links to legal bases; the accounting and finance section off…

Taylor and Francis Online

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Medicine Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks Electronic scholarly and professional journals

Taylor and Francis Online is a multidisciplinary collection by the publisher of the same name that allows searching and reading full-text articles from more than 2.000 journals. The journals cover the fields of library and information sciences, economics, veterinary medicine, religion, art, construction industry, architecture, politology, edu…

Taylor & Francis eBooks

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Medicine Electronic Books

Taylor & Francis eBooks is an online digital platform that offers a comprehensive collection of more than 160.000 scientific eBooks written by a world-renowned and award-winning network of editors and authors. However, users of the University of Ljubljana have access to only a limited number of e-books.

Technology Collection

Natural Sciences and Technology Indexes and abstracts of periodicals Electronic scholarly and professional journals

The Technology Collection is a full-text database supported by a specialized A&I file. Its content covers comprehensive scholarly output and is managed by an expert editorial team overseeing content selection and indexing supported by a controlled vocabulary. The Technology Collection is comprised of three databases:

Advanced Technologies &…

TEMA® Technology and Management

Economics and management Natural Sciences and Technology Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

The TEMA collection contains bibliographic records with abstracts, keywords, or descriptors from international and German scientific and professional literature (journals, conference proceedings, reports, dissertations, etc.) in the fields of technology and management. Coverage includes information on development and research, innovations, new pro…

The Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics Online

Classical Studies Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks

The Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics Online provides an authoritative and comprehensive treatment of all significant aspects of the Greek language throughout its 3,500-year documented history. Approximately 65% of the content is entirely new, while the remaining 35% consists of revised and expanded entries from the Encyclopedia of An…

The New Pauly Online (Brill)

Social Sciences and Humanities Classical Studies Encyclopedias, lexikons, handbooks

Brill´s New Pauly Online is the English edition of the authoritative Der Neue Pauly Online, published by Verlag J.B. Metzler since 1996. The encyclopaedic coverage and high academic standard of the work, the interdisciplinary and contemporary approach and clear and accessible presentation have made the New Pauly the unriv…

Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG)

Literature Classical Studies Literary works Electronic Books

Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG) je zbirka grške literature od antike do danes. Do sedaj je v bila v projektu zbrana in digitalizirana večina besedil, napisanih v grščini, od Homerja (8. st. pr. n. št.) do padca Bizanca leta 1453.


Full corpus TLG (Celotni korpus TLG), ki vsebuje več kot 10.000 del 4.000 avtorje…

Ulrich's Web

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Directories of periodicals

Ulrich's Web is used to search for detailed information about more than 300,000 periodicals from across the world: newspapers, journals, magazines, yearbooks, etc. Data includes title, ISSN, beginning and frequency of publication, type, peer-reviews, language, country, price, subject area (including LC and Dewey classification), CODEN, circula…

UN iLibrary

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Statistical and research data Electronic scholarly and professional journals Electronic scholarly and professional books

The United Nations iLibrary is the comprehensive global search, discovery, and viewing source for digital content created by the United Nations. It provides librarians, information specialists, scholars, students, policy makers and the general public with a single digital destination for seamlessly accessing publications, journals, data, and serie…


Medicine Full Text Articles

UpToDate is a clinical database providing evidence-based information to support medical decision-making. It contains comprehensive and regularly updated articles authored by experts from various medical fields. The database includes guidelines for diagnosis, treatment, and disease management, as well as information on drug interactions. It is desi…


Economics and management Sociology Communicology Marketing Full Text Articles

The WARC collection provides access to over 8,000 full-text articles in the fields of marketing and advertising from journals such as Market Leader, The Journal of Advertising Research, International Journal of Advertising, The International Journal of Market Research, and more. Coverage includes around 5,000 award case studies, e.g., New Zealand …

Web of Science Core Collection

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Citation Indexes Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

The Web of Science Core Collection is used for search and overview of scholarly literature. It contains bibliographical data with abstracts and cited literature of articles form 12.000 scholarly journals, book, book chapters, conference papers. It contains following subsets:

  • Science Citation Index Expanded
  • Social Sciences Citation In…

Wiley Online Library

Social Sciences and Humanities Natural Sciences and Technology Electronic scholarly and professional journals

Wiley Interscience is used to search for and read scientific and professional articles in all fields. Members of consortia have access to more than 700 journals and approx. 1000 journals for limited time. Wiley journals cover the filds of science, medicine, chemistry, physics, mathemathics, electrotechnics, nformatics,  mechanical engineering…

World Scientific Publishing

Natural Sciences and Technology Electronic Books Dissertations and theses

Zbirka World Scientific vebuje preko 12.000 elektronskih knjig in revij z različnih znanstvenih področij. Vsebuje  tudi objave Nobelovih nagrajencev.

Za študente in zaposlene na Univerzi v Ljubljani je v sklopu “The Writing Guides” na volju 18 elektronskih knjig, ki so namenjene pri pripravi pisnih del …

zbMATH Open

Mathematics Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

Database zbMATH Open is used to search for scientific literature in the field of mathematics. Coverage includes over 5 million bibliographic descriptions with critical abstracts of articles from more than 5,000 periodical publications and 200,000 books, conference proceedings, conference papers, and more. The oldest material goes ba…

Združenje evropskih arhivov družboslovnih podatkov (CESSDA)

Social Sciences and Humanities Statistical and research data

The catalogue of the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) provides access to social science studies held by various archives. Users can search across French, Danish, Norwegian, British, German, Czech, Dutch, Hungarian, Swedish, Slovene, Estonian, Finnish, Greek, and Italian archives.

The CESSDA website contains links to we…

Zoological Record

Biology Indexes and abstracts of periodicals

Zoological Record database is used for search and overview of scholarly literature in zoology. It contains bibliographical data with abstracts of articles, books, papers etc.